In-Clinic Safety
Radiographic Safety
Since we intend to keep radiation exposure to a minimum, Whenever clinical diagnosis and patient history is sufficient for deciding the treatment plan, we may not expose the growing child to unnecessary radiation.
We may go ahead with the treatment with clinical diagnostic aspect unless parents demand the radiograph.
We make a sincere effort to maintain radiographic safety for our patients and doctors.
When an X-ray is taken, a lead apron and a thyroid collar are provided for both patient and doctor.
We use an AERB guideline approved Portable X-ray device with digital RVG for minimal radiographic exposure of the patient and doctor.
Radiographic Safety
Since we intend to keep radiation exposure to a minimum, Whenever clinical diagnosis and patient history is sufficient for deciding the treatment plan, we may not expose the growing child to unnecessary radiation.
We may go ahead with the treatment with clinical diagnostic aspect unless parents demand the radiograph.
We make a sincere effort to maintain radiographic safety for our patients and doctors.
When an X-ray is taken, a lead apron and a thyroid collar are provided for both patient and doctor.
We use an AERB guideline approved Portable X-ray device with digital RVG for minimal radiographic exposure of the patient and doctor.
Sterilization and Disinfection
Sterilization and disinfection are the keys to successful dental treatment and maintenance of a healthy, microbe-free environment.
At our centre, we take genuine effort to maintain thorough sterilization and disinfection protocol.